Welcome to another Tiny Tutorial Thursday! We love so many apps and tools here in “The Garden.” There aren’t many that we use every single day. Pushbullet, however, has become an indespensible app. We use it to send quick links to ourselves and each other, for getting cell phone notifications when our phone is in another room, and for sharing files that we need right away—when we can’t wait for a NextCloud sync.


Cost: Free

Available for: Android, iOS, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Windows.

If you are like us, you have a million bookmarks on your browser. It’s easy to stick them in the wrong place or forget you have them. Because you don’t always want links to be bookmarks. Remember that link to great salsa that you wanted to share with your spouse? Pushbullet it.

Pushbullet lets you push links, files, just about anything to your other devices and other people. Plus, it supports end-to-end encryption to ensure your privacy.

Want to know more? Check out Steph’s demo below!

