Manage 2017 Like a Boss: Become a Menu Master

  Let’s paint a picture. It’s 5 o’clock. You’ve got no plans for dinner. Your kids are grumbling. The fridge is pretty-much a lost cause, unless you can come up with an awesome recipe with grape jelly and half a cup of milk. Sound familiar? It sure does to us. We hated the rush around […]

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Miles Don’t Matter…Keep In Touch With Google Hangouts!

This a tough time of year if you have relatives living far away. Not everyone can get home for the holidays. Back in the day, that used to mean snail-mail letters and tearful (albeit expensive) phone calls. That’s not the case anymore. There are a bevy of on-line, video conferencing tools available that will allow […]

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Start Designing Your Website On Your Own For Free

Have you ever thought about what goes into creating a website or heck, even a singe page? Well, you’ve found The Nerd Garden, so you know what a cool site looks like! Have you thought of trying the web page thing out for yourself to see what’s involved? But What If I Screw It Up? […]

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Take Your Music To The Subsonic Level

On any given day here at The Nerd Garden, you’ll hear awesome rock music! Nothing gets me going like Led Zeppelin or good, old Heavy Metal. From Steph’s office you’ll frequently hear British Alternative. Steph and I have collected a ton of music over the years. A lot of this collection is on CD! You […]

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How To Rock NaNoWriMo 2016

Hello, fellow nerds! Happy November. If you’re a writer, then you know exactly what’s going down over the course of the next four weeks. Why, National Novel Writing Month, of course! I get questions all the time on my tips for how to survive this insane time. I’ve got a video today, (partly humorous and […]

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A Cloud Of Our Own / #NextCloud

Happy Friday! Man, that took long enough, didn’t it? Good thing we’re sharing a new project with you in time for the weekend. On Tuesday, Steph shared a “home cloud” solution with you, called NextCloud.  If you haven’t read it already head on back to A Cloud Of Your Own. As promised, we’re going to […]

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