A Special Nerd Report

Greetings you lovely nerds, you! Steph and Aaron here with a quick update. We’re total data fiends and our stats—as well as all of you—tell us that you like posts every other week. Hey, we’re down with that! Starting today, we’re adopting a twice a month schedule for the summer. Tell us what you think. […]

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Our Afternoon Repairing A Laptop

Do you have awesome friends that you go to whenever you need technical support? To people we know, we’re those friends! So today, we’re sharing our recent experience helping our friend Keith. The Story Keith cracked his laptop lid and ordered a replacement. He called us when the steps needed to repair it numbered into the 20s. The day […]

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By Request: A Review Of NextCloud Apps

Happy Thursday, Nerds, and Nerdettes! We’ve had several emails and comments about the apps that are available for NextCloud. Why aren’t we using them? What made us stick with solutions like Cozi and Google Calendar or Evernote and Notes instead of the NextCloud app family. When Aaron first installed NextCloud, he played around with some […]

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Stream It Like You Mean It!

Let’s be honest. How many of you remember the days of mix tapes or mix CDs? We sure do. You’d wait all day by the stereo, awaiting the moment when your favorite station would play your jam. Or, you’d run down to the Record store—hands up if you remember National Record Mart—only to discover they were […]

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5 Android Apps For A Very Nerdy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Nerds! Today, is that great,American tradition. The one where we sit around, watch football, and stuff ourselves silly. And it all happens in the company of our closest friends and relatives. Keeping in the tradition of all things nerdy here in The Garden, we’d like to offer up a shortlist of 5 […]

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20 Super-Useful Apps We Just Can’t Live Without!

It’s Monday! We hope you have a hella-good one. One of the things we’ve chatted about this past weekend in the garden are our favorite apps and we thoughts we’d share them with all of you. So, without further ado, here are 20 super-useful apps for a mix of platforms and devices. Music Audacity: When […]

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Take Your Music To The Subsonic Level

On any given day here at The Nerd Garden, you’ll hear awesome rock music! Nothing gets me going like Led Zeppelin or good, old Heavy Metal. From Steph’s office you’ll frequently hear British Alternative. Steph and I have collected a ton of music over the years. A lot of this collection is on CD! You […]

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