Microsoft Word Formatting Tips For Writers

I’ve got a confession to make. It won’t come as a surprise. I hate Microsoft Word. See? You’re not exactly shocked, are you? Still, as a writer, I’m stuck with it, because agents, editors, and publishers use it all the time. Lately, I’ve been on the receiving end of a slew of manuscripts that include major formatting […]

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So you installed Linux… now what?

Last week I showed you how I typically set up partitions when installing a desktop Linux distribution. I chose Ubuntu Desktop 16.04. If you decided to try it for yourself, you probably found the install was super-awesome and rather painless. So you installed Linux… now what? Where’s The Software? If you have installed Ubuntu or a […]

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The Cloud Computing Decoder Ring

One of the questions I get most often is: What exactly is “The Cloud?” How do I use it? I blogged about some cloud storage options last year, you can read that post here. However, I thought it might be a good idea to cover what cloud storage actually is and why it’s so important. […]

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