A Cloud Of Our Own / #NextCloud

Happy Friday! Man, that took long enough, didn’t it? Good thing we’re sharing a new project with you in time for the weekend. On Tuesday, Steph shared a “home cloud” solution with you, called NextCloud.  If you haven’t read it already head on back to A Cloud Of Your Own. As promised, we’re going to […]

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A Cloud Of Your Own

Hey peeps! Welcome to mid-September. It’s also our one-month anniversary at The Nerd Garden. How’ve you been liking it so far? Elvis appreciates all of the fan mail you’ve been sending him. For those of you who are new, Elvis-the little pug on our homepage-is kind of our mascot. We dig him. Okay, enough about […]

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Installing Linux Part 2: Installing Linux Mint

Grettings from The Nerd Garden.  My name is Aaron. Today I am going to continue our Linux saga from our previous post Installing Linux Part 1. The world of open source software is vast to suit the needs various people. So why not try another flavor of Linux? To start lets try another similar Linux […]

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The Cloud Computing Decoder Ring

One of the questions I get most often is: What exactly is “The Cloud?” How do I use it? I blogged about some cloud storage options last year, you can read that post here. However, I thought it might be a good idea to cover what cloud storage actually is and why it’s so important. […]

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