
Grettings from The Nerd Garden.  My name is Aaron. Today I am going to continue our Linux saga from our previous post Installing Linux Part 1. The world of open source software is vast to suit the needs various people. So why not try another flavor of Linux? To start lets try another similar Linux distribution called LinuxMint (my prefered flavor at the moment).

If you remember from last time, we created our hard drive partitions in such a way that we could keep all of our personal data away from the files that run the operating system. But being sneaky we also installed a spare partition which we could use later.  So the time has come to put that extra space to use.

The video demonstates how install LinuxMint 18 on the same system so that your all your files shared between the two Linux distributions. Not only does this save your data but allows you to dual boot (it’s what geeks call having two operating systems on the same computer). Woot! you arn’t a true Linux nerd until you can boot multiple distributions on the same machine.

Installing LinuxMint

Download the steps outlined in the video.

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Thank you for sticking with me on my Linux journey. Watch for future posts and videos about hardware, software, and other geeky tech-releated things!