Zip It And Ship It

  What is file compression? Have you ever seen a zip file? A single file that ends in .zip or has an icon of a box with a zipper on it or something like that? A zip file is a single file that can contain many files and folders organized within it. It is also […]

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Retro Games On The Raspberry Pi 3

I was walking though my local Target this morning and it hit me. I remembered an article I’d read the other day that said Target has the new NES classic in stock now. I rush over to the electronics department, dragging my 5-year-old-son behind me and… Sold out! via GIPHY Aw man. I really wanted […]

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How To Compile The NextCloud Client For Linux

Hey there, Internet peeps! Steph and I have been discussing cloud storage. Last week we introduced a shared solution that we love here at The Nerd Garden. NextCloud. We even showed you how to setup your NextCloud server. This week, we’re going to help you put all that cloud awesomeness to use. Sure, you can […]

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A Cloud Of Our Own / #NextCloud

Happy Friday! Man, that took long enough, didn’t it? Good thing we’re sharing a new project with you in time for the weekend. On Tuesday, Steph shared a “home cloud” solution with you, called NextCloud.  If you haven’t read it already head on back to A Cloud Of Your Own. As promised, we’re going to […]

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Installing Linux Part 2: Installing Linux Mint

Grettings from The Nerd Garden.  My name is Aaron. Today I am going to continue our Linux saga from our previous post Installing Linux Part 1. The world of open source software is vast to suit the needs various people. So why not try another flavor of Linux? To start lets try another similar Linux […]

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So you installed Linux… now what?

Last week I showed you how I typically set up partitions when installing a desktop Linux distribution. I chose Ubuntu Desktop 16.04. If you decided to try it for yourself, you probably found the install was super-awesome and rather painless. So you installed Linux… now what? Where’s The Software? If you have installed Ubuntu or a […]

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