A Special Nerd Report

Greetings you lovely nerds, you! Steph and Aaron here with a quick update. We’re total data fiends and our stats—as well as all of you—tell us that you like posts every other week. Hey, we’re down with that! Starting today, we’re adopting a twice a month schedule for the summer. Tell us what you think. […]

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Cutting the Cord

Cutting the cord? What does that mean? Cutting the cord is all the rage these days. If you aren’t already in the know, you’re probably asking asking yourself: “What cord? What does that mean?” The cord-cutting trend refers to people who are canceling their cable television subscriptions. They’re using the Internet to stream their favorite TV […]

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A Cloud Of Our Own / #NextCloud

Happy Friday! Man, that took long enough, didn’t it? Good thing we’re sharing a new project with you in time for the weekend. On Tuesday, Steph shared a “home cloud” solution with you, called NextCloud.  If you haven’t read it already head on back to A Cloud Of Your Own. As promised, we’re going to […]

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Tech Luv Thursday: Scrivener / @ScrivenerApp / #scrivener #tech / #iamwriting

Yay! It’s time for another Tech Luv Thursday, peeps. This is the part of the week where I share my favorites for readers and writers from the tech front. Now, I’ve gotta tell you that today’s topic is definitely more writer-centeric. The question I get asked alot is: What tool can you absolutely not live without? The […]

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