A Special Nerd Report

Greetings you lovely nerds, you! Steph and Aaron here with a quick update. We’re total data fiends and our stats—as well as all of you—tell us that you like posts every other week. Hey, we’re down with that! Starting today, we’re adopting a twice a month schedule for the summer. Tell us what you think. […]

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Tiny Tutorial Thursday: Pushbullet Awesomeness

Welcome to another Tiny Tutorial Thursday! We love so many apps and tools here in “The Garden.” There aren’t many that we use every single day. Pushbullet, however, has become an indespensible app. We use it to send quick links to ourselves and each other, for getting cell phone notifications when our phone is in […]

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Zip It And Ship It

  What is file compression? Have you ever seen a zip file? A single file that ends in .zip or has an icon of a box with a zipper on it or something like that? A zip file is a single file that can contain many files and folders organized within it. It is also […]

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Bring the (Ambient) Noise

There are some folks that like to work to the tune of absolute silence. Steph is not one of them. She loves to work to the sound of just about everything. When she discovered ambient noise apps, they immediately became a staple in her day. Check out our demo of each below! YouTube A Soft […]

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Tiny Tutorial Thursday Goes Into Overdrive! 

Hello, Thursday Nerds! Today, we’re starting out our post with an announcement. After careful consideration, we’re going to be cutting our posts down to one day a week on Thursdays. There are a couple of reasons for that. First off, we’ve got a ton of ideas planned for all of you. More videos, more classes, […]

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5 Note-taking Solutions To Help Organize Your Life

  Hi Rock Star! Not too long ago, Aaron posted his favorite text editors. I thought it might be a great time to revisit my favorite note taking apps. I originally blogged about this topic a couple of years ago, but things change. I thought it might be time to revisit some of those solutions. Google […]

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By Request: A Review Of NextCloud Apps

Happy Thursday, Nerds, and Nerdettes! We’ve had several emails and comments about the apps that are available for NextCloud. Why aren’t we using them? What made us stick with solutions like Cozi and Google Calendar or Evernote and Notes instead of the NextCloud app family. When Aaron first installed NextCloud, he played around with some […]

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My 5 Favorite Text Editors

Hello. My name is Aaron and I have a confession…I use text editors. Don’t judge. You don’t understand. I mean I use them for almost everything. I use them when it doesn’t make sense to use them. Do I write notes in Word or LibreOffice? No! I use a text editor. I wrote the first draft of […]

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