The Nerd Garden Upgrades To Next Cloud 12!

Happy Thursday, fellow Nerdists! You may remember that last year we demoed how to install a cloud storage solution in your home using a tool called NextCloud. On May 22nd, 2017, NextCloud released their latest version—NextCloud 12. This new release touts several updates, so it immediately piqued our interest. For this post, we thought we’d […]

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A Special Nerd Report

Greetings you lovely nerds, you! Steph and Aaron here with a quick update. We’re total data fiends and our stats—as well as all of you—tell us that you like posts every other week. Hey, we’re down with that! Starting today, we’re adopting a twice a month schedule for the summer. Tell us what you think. […]

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Just Because You Google It Doesn’t Make It Legal

Hey nerds! One of the things we see time and time again is folks using images for their YouTube videos, their websites, just about anywhere—that clearly aren’t legal. We’ve known plenty of bloggers who end up getting served Take Down notices or taken to court over improper use of images. Things To Remember Something that […]

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A Little Help For Our Friends

Remember a few weeks ago when we went above and beyond to help our friend repair the screen on his laptop? We’re once again wearing our Tech Support hats. This time it’s a dead laptop. Here’s how it all went down. Earlier this week, we got a call from our friend, Ellen, who had bad news. Her laptop would […]

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We Like Big Bandwidth and We Cannot Lie!

We’ve got a secret. We like big bandwidth and we cannot lie. But seriously, you often never know what you’ve got until it’s gone. This happened to us with bandwidth. In a matter of months, we got rid of our cable, moved exclusively to using on-line providers like Aman Prime and their Fire TV stick, […]

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Bring the (Ambient) Noise

There are some folks that like to work to the tune of absolute silence. Steph is not one of them. She loves to work to the sound of just about everything. When she discovered ambient noise apps, they immediately became a staple in her day. Check out our demo of each below! YouTube A Soft […]

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Tiny Tutorial Thursday Goes Into Overdrive! 

Hello, Thursday Nerds! Today, we’re starting out our post with an announcement. After careful consideration, we’re going to be cutting our posts down to one day a week on Thursdays. There are a couple of reasons for that. First off, we’ve got a ton of ideas planned for all of you. More videos, more classes, […]

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I Tried a Mac… And I Liked It

  I tried a Mac and I liked it. OMG! I never ever thought I’d say those words. I’ve been knocking Steph’s Mac obsession for years. She’ll never let me live this down. First a little history of my computer past. Aaron the Noob (1994 – 1995) OK, so back then the word noob wasn’t […]

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