Tech Luv Thursday: Data Loss Drama

Background Backing up data is important to me. Yeah, that’s putting it mildly. I’m not obsessed exactly, but when it comes to making sure I don’t lose my information, I probably take more steps than the average person. Especially, since my livelihood depends on it–you can’t publish books if you lose your manuscripts. Here’s a breakdown of […]

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Tech Luv Thursday: Google Hangouts In Real Life / #google

I’m back with another Tech Luv Thursday. Winter is almost upon us. One of the things I hear all the time in Pittsburgh is: I couldn’t make it–the roads were too bad. Hey, I get it. I mean, living in this part of the country can be pretty nasty in mid-January. It’s even worse the […]

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Tech Luv Thursday: Dropbox, Drive, and Copy / #tech

Good morning, Tech Lovers! It’s another edition of Tech Luv Thursday! Today, I’m running a comparison of three great solutions: Dropbox, Copy, and Google Drive. Now, I don’t profess to include every single cloud storage solution out there in this article. Nope, in true Tech Luv style, I’m discussing my personal experiences only. So if you’ve […]

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Tech Luv Thursday: Syncing With Scrivener

Hello all! Welcome to another Tech Luv Thursday feature. If you’re new here, then just a heads up about the post. Two Thursdays every month I discuss (and often gush) about tech that rings my bell. Although I’m a writer, I used to wear bunches of other hats. My past includes stints as: a technical writer, software […]

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Tech Luv Thursday: Noteworthy Note Apps /#evernote / #simplenote

Reblogged from Good morning! Welcome to another Tech Luv Thursday. You  may be starting to get the gist of this already, but I’m picky when it comes to my tech. I know what I want and if a product doesn’t provide that, I move on. Today, I’ll be sharing my quest for a perfect […]

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Tech Luv Thursday: Scrivener / @ScrivenerApp / #scrivener #tech / #iamwriting

Yay! It’s time for another Tech Luv Thursday, peeps. This is the part of the week where I share my favorites for readers and writers from the tech front. Now, I’ve gotta tell you that today’s topic is definitely more writer-centeric. The question I get asked alot is: What tool can you absolutely not live without? The […]

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